
Webinar Affiliate Program

Becoming a webinar reseller is a lucrative way to create passive revenue streams recurring monthly for your business. The time is right to make use of a webinar affiliate program—but where do you start?

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Understanding the Webinar Affiliate Program

Companies just like yours are benefiting from passive revenue streams from software affiliate programs every day around the world. They capitalize on the software built by other companies by reselling their products and making a percentage of the profit. This kind of revenue sharing program can make your company thousands or even tens of thousands in commission dollars each month. The trick is to find the right affiliate program that adds value to your target audience.

A webinar affiliate program gives companies a way to monetize their own educational or sales webinars. But it can also allow webinar resellers to offer this type of video conferencing service to clients so they can use webinars to benefit their business. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that benefits everyone.

Here’s how it works.

What to Look for in a Webinar Vendor

Many marketing initiatives make some sort of use of webinars. Whether it’s to market their products or orient new team members, remote sell to prospects, or establish new skills in their employees, webinars are an effective online tool that helps companies reach their goals. For webinars to be effective in these scenarios they must:

  • Add concrete value for a target audience. If you’re selling webinars in a B2C or B2B revenue-generating strategy, there is a ton of competition in the marketplace. If you don’t fill the exact needs, wants, and priorities of your target audience, there’s enough competition today that someone else will.
  • Avoid fluff in your content that will turn off your target audience. Fill your webinar with practical advice that your participants can turn into actionable activity and you will be more successful. Don’t make your webinar a giant sales pitch.
  • Customize your webinar page to match your business brand. This creates trust between you and the consumer of your webinar. Look for a webinar vendor that lets you rebrand their platform as your own.
  • Avoid any technical glitches in your video conferencing platform. Whether you are using webinars to sell more products or you are participating in a webinar affiliate program and reselling a SaaS product, make sure the technology vendor has their act together.

If you’re considering using webinars as a tool to market, sell, train, or motivate, there’s a lot of competition out there. Once your strategy is in place, you can have a clearer idea of how to successfully use these tools.

But what if you took the idea of just providing a webinar to your target audience one step further? That’s where a webinar affiliate program comes into play.

How Can You Make Money from a Webinar Affiliate Program?

The use of webinar software isn’t going away anytime soon. That makes it an attractive venue not only to use in your business, but also to resell repeatedly in a monetized affiliate program. It’s a three-step process:

  1. Use a webinar to promote your business in some way. You could record a series of educational videos on your website and offer them to customers as part of a membership money maker. Or, you could use these tools to go live with potential clients.
  2. Brand that webinar product and resell it to your target audience. This has a ripple in the pond effect. Your clients can subscribe to your webinar affiliate program and you make a commission off their sale. This could lead to the third leg in your webinar monetization.
  3. Your clients could also rebrand the webinar and resell it to their clients.

Starting a webinar affiliate program means that, with no upfront investment beyond the time you spend selling the service, you can generate significant amounts of online revenue to benefit your business. Statistics show a 10% annual increase in affiliate marketing spend annually, meaning that more business owners are adding these revenue streams to their business model every year. However, the cost of promoting the services is very low when compared to marketing almost anything else, making becoming a webinar reseller a smart move for savvy business owners.

Why is MegaMeeting the Best Webinar Affiliate Program Right Now?

If you’re considering a monetized passive revenue stream of a highly in-demand product, look no further than the MegaMeeting webinar affiliate program. You can use our secure, high-quality HD video conferencing solution to offer a webinar platform to your clients. Our webinar service is:

  • Completely secure and HIPAA compliant.
  • Easy to access through any web browser.
  • White-labelled so that you and your clients can rebrand the webinar product and “own” it.
  • Able to embed invites in an email messaging platform so that one click takes you into the webinar.
  • Fully HD, offering a higher-end look and feel to the platform not seen in the typical commercial provider.
  • Able to host up to 200-unique visitors per virtual room with the ability to scale from there.
  • Free for 14 days with no obligation.

Even better, as a MegaMeeting webinar reseller, you earn 30% at a minimum on every new subscription you sell. The commission structure escalates over a certain threshold, giving you the option of selling as much as you want with no caps on the revenue you receive each month. You can also earn commission on any one-time sale of our webinar product.

If you are not equipped to do demonstrations and make your own sales of the webinar product, you can become a MegaMeeting Affiliate and simply refer leads to us. Under this plan, you will receive 20% of every dollar we receive from clients that sign up due to leads you send our way.

How much more revenue could your business bring in by offering this service? Whether you simply list this platform on your website or make a more aggressive attempt to actively sell MegaMeeting’s webinar service, this is a proven way to make income. The use of video conferencing skyrocketed this year and now that commercial companies understand how easy and effective these tools are to use, this product will literally sell itself.

Consider all the uses of a webinar today and then think about how your clients could benefit:

  • Online training
  • Large corporate seminars
  • Remote team orientation
  • Product demonstrations
  • Educational events
  • Team motivational events
  • Live broadcasts
  • Pre-taped on-demand activities

Today, your business needs additional revenue streams to protect it from any market downturn. MegaMeeting’s Webinar Affiliate Program and Webinar Reseller Program offer an immediate, effective way for you to develop a passive recurring revenue stream to shore up your business.

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